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What to Do After a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Every motor vehicle driver in Nebraska is legally required to maintain minimum amounts of car insurance. Unfortunately, hundreds of drivers illegally drive while uninsured and underinsured every day. If you get into a car accident with an uninsured driver, it is important to know what steps to take to pursue financial compensation for your medical bills and property repairs. Do Not Accept Cash From an Uninsured Driver  You should never accept cash from an uninsured driver for your losses. If an uninsured driver tries to convince you not to report the car accident to…

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Safe Driving Tips for Navigating Fog

Many different weather events can create hazards for drivers in Nebraska. One is heavy fog, which can drastically reduce a driver’s visibility and result in a collision with another vehicle, a fixed object, or a bicyclist or pedestrian. Use these safety tips for navigating foggy conditions to reduce your risk of a car accident. Lower Your Speed Speeding does not only refer to exceeding the speed limit. It means driving too fast for road, traffic and weather conditions. Fog that impedes visibility constitutes a reason to reduce your vehicle speed, potentially below the posted…

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Nebraska Winter Injury Safety Tips

Winter in Nebraska poses unique challenges for drivers and homeowners, including several cold-weather safety and health concerns. To stay safe this winter, it is important to recognize common injury risks and take precautions to prevent them. Wintertime Car Accident Prevention Tips The risk of automobile accidents increases in winter due to adverse weather conditions and dangerous roads. Winter snowstorms in Nebraska can lead to inches of precipitation covering the road as well as a dangerous accumulation of ice. This includes black ice, which is a thin layer of ice that can be invisible to…

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What Types of Brain Injuries Are Associated With Car Accidents?

Car accidents are a common cause of injuries that result in hospitalizations and deaths in Nebraska, including brain injuries. Many car accident victims suffer traumatic brain injuries due to the forces involved in the collision, the skull striking objects inside of the vehicle or projectiles penetrating the skull. Even if a victim survives a brain injury, he or she may struggle with long-lasting effects and symptoms. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a brain injury after a motor vehicle collision, the Omaha car accident attorneys at Knowles Law Firm can…

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Tips for Understanding Nebraska Car Accident Lawsuits

Every day, car accident victims are sent to hospitals in Nebraska with serious and sometimes life-threatening injuries. If you get involved in a car accident in Omaha, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the at-fault party. Most car accident cases in Nebraska reach settlements, but some result in lawsuits. It is normal to have questions about your car accident case as a victim. For more information, speak to an Omaha car accident attorney at Knowles Law Firm. Is Nebraska a Fault or No-Fault State? Nebraska is a fault state, which means the…

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How Does Car Accident Compensation Work in Nebraska?     

If you get involved in a car accident in Nebraska, you may be faced with expensive medical bills and property damage. Under Nebraska’s car insurance laws, you should not have to pay for collisions that are not your fault. Learn how car accident compensation works under state law to better understand your legal rights after a crash. For assistance with a car accident claim, contact the Omaha car accident attorneys at Knowles Law Firm. Who Pays for a Car Accident in Nebraska? There are two main types of car insurance systems: fault and no-fault….

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Common Road Hazards That Cause Accidents

No matter how safe a driver is, a road hazard or defect could cause an accident. Dangerous roads can be impossible to safely navigate, ultimately leading to a car accident that causes injuries or deaths. It is the city and state government’s duty to maintain safe public roadways. If a road defect causes a crash, a victim may be able to hold the government responsible. An Omaha car accident lawyer can help navigate your legal case. Potholes and Cracks in the Pavement Potholes are depressions in the road caused by the erosion of the…

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What Causes Head-On Collisions?

Head-on collisions are a severe and often catastrophic type of car accident, accounting for a significant number of fatalities each year. While every case is unique, certain factors and issues contribute to head-on collisions in Nebraska more often than others. Identifying the most common causes can help prevent these accidents, as well as help someone who has been injured in a head-on car accident determine fault. Distracted Driving Driver distraction causes thousands of car accidents each year. In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 3,522 deaths involving distracted drivers. Many of these…

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Who Is at Fault in Blind-Spot Accidents?

Every motor vehicle has at least one blind spot. This is an area of the road that is invisible to a driver when he or she checks the rearview and side mirrors. If a driver fails to check his or her blind spots carefully before changing lanes or making a turn, the driver could collide with another vehicle or have a pedestrian accident. These accidents are not automatically the fault of the driver with the blind spot, however; determining fault can be challenging and require an in-depth investigation. What Are a Driver’s Responsibilities With…

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How Weather Can Impact Driving Safety

Driver error may be the number one cause of car accidents, but in some cases, the driver is not to blame. Bad weather can make the roads too dangerous to drive on, leading to a loss of vehicle control and a harmful car accident. The Federal Highway Administration states that nearly 1,235,000 car accidents are weather-related each year, on average. These accidents account for approximately 21 percent of all motor vehicle crashes.  Precipitation Precipitation is one of the most dangerous weather events for drivers. Statistics show that the vast majority of weather-related car accidents…

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