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How a Bankruptcy Filing Affects a Personal Injury Claim

Filing for bankruptcy can have a major impact on a personal injury claim, whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant. Bankruptcy laws can determine who controls a claim, whether a settlement is exempt from creditors, and how compensation is distributed. If either party in a personal injury case files for bankruptcy, the legal process can become more complex, potentially delaying or even limiting financial recovery. Understanding how bankruptcy interacts with personal injury claims is essential for protecting your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. If you need assistance with your claim, especially…

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Can a Personal Injury Case Ever Be Reopened?

One of the most frequently asked questions from injured plaintiffs is, “Can I reopen my case?” The answer is generally no, you can’t reopen a case for the same injury. Even with help from a lawyer, you cannot reopen a closed personal injury case except in very rare circumstances. If you discover that your injury will need further treatments or surgeries that you did not account for in your first settlement, you will typically have to pay for the additional costs yourself, as seeking further compensation is generally not possible. This is why it…

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What Is a Contingency Fee?

Hiring an attorney to help you with a civil case could make a world of difference to its outcome. A lawyer has the years of experience, legal resources and knowledge to achieve top results for your claim. It is normal, however, to worry about the costs of hiring an attorney. Luckily, many lawyers have solved this problem by accepting clients on a contingency fee basis. What Does Contingency Fee Basis Mean? If an attorney charges on a contingency basis, it means you paying for the lawyer’s services is contingent upon him or her winning…

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Should I Hire an Accident Reconstructionist?

Securing financial compensation for your losses after an accident in Nebraska requires meeting a certain burden of proof. Proving a personal injury claim generally takes evidence that someone else negligently caused your accident. This means establishing proof that the defendant owed you a duty of care, negligently breached this duty and caused your accident. After a car crash, for example, you will need to establish that the other driver more likely than not caused your accident. An accident reconstructionist is a hired professional that may be useful in helping you prove fault and causation…

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Can Social Media Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Social media is a daily part of life, but during a personal injury claim, it can also become a liability. Insurance companies and defense attorneys monitor social media accounts for anything that could discredit your claim, including posts, comments, and photos. Even private messages or deleted content could be accessed and used against you. Taking a break from social media is often the safest way to protect your case. Knowing how social media can impact a personal injury claim may help you avoid costly mistakes. With over 55 years of experience handling personal injury…

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Who Is Liable If I Was Bitten By a Stray Dog?

It can be important to seek financial recovery for a dog bite injury in Omaha, Nebraska. Recovering financial compensation could enable you and your family to pay for outstanding medical bills, repair damaged property and move forward. Holding someone accountable could also bring justice and peace of mind. If the dog that attacked you was a stray with no known owner, it could be more difficult to obtain compensation. What Are Nebraska’s Dog Bite Laws? In a typical dog bite case, in which the victim knows the identity of the owner, the owner will…

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What Should I Do If I Was Injured While Out of State?

Accidents do not only happen in your own state or hometown. They can also happen while you are traveling or on vacation. If you get an injury while out of state, the process for filing a claim and obtaining compensation for your medical bills and property damages may look different than if the accident had happened where you live. Learn your rights and find out when it may be in your best interest to hire an attorney for an out-of-state accident. Which State Has Jurisdiction? The first thing to know about an injury that…

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What Is Pro Se Litigation?

As the injured victim (plaintiff) in a personal injury lawsuit in Nebraska, you need to know several important laws and legal terms. Having at least a basic grasp of Nebraska’s personal injury terms could help you protect your rights. Choosing pro se litigation, for example, could be a costly mistake for you as a plaintiff or the right choice, depending on the circumstances. Explore the pros and cons of pro se litigation with help from an Omaha personal injury lawyer before making your decision. Definition of Pro Se Litigation Pro se litigation is the…

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What are Nebraska’s Fireworks Laws?

With Independence Day around the corner, it is important to review the fireworks laws, rules, and statutes in your city and state. Every year, broken firework statutes and the reckless use of fireworks lead to thousands of preventable fires, destroyed properties, and personal injuries. Some common serious injuries include third-degree burns and traumatic amputations. Obeying Nebraska’s fireworks laws this Fourth of July could keep you and your family free from personal injuries. It could also help you avoid legal trouble for violating Nebraska’s fireworks laws. Limits on Sale Dates In Nebraska, the State Fire…

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I Hit a Parked Car… Now What?

Not all car accidents involve two moving vehicles. Many involve parked cars – often without the owner present. Hitting a parked car brings with it the same driver responsibilities as a moving car accident in Nebraska. The at-fault driver must stop at the scene, exchange information and file an insurance claim. Taking the right steps after hitting a parked car in Omaha can improve the insurance process. It can also help you avoid criminal charges for a hit-and-run. Pull Over State requirements in Nebraska make it mandatory to stop at the scene of any…

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