Free consultation 402-431-9000

The attorneys at Knowles Law Firm have a successful record of helping our clients achieve the best results possible after an injury or illness.

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Additionally, the attorneys at Knowles Law Firm have recently tried five jury cases in Douglas County, Nebraska, and in each case obtained a verdict greater than the settlement offers presented before trial. Past results do not guarantee future results; the reader should consult with an attorney about their specific needs.
$3.1m* pedestrian/
brain injury
$2.5m* traumatic
brain injury
$2.4m* Auto
accident case
2.25m* Motor vehicle accident
with traumatic brain injury
$2.1m* Construction site
accident case
$1.85m* trucking accident +
$1,850,000 settlement from a trucking accident. Client, age 67, suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and multiple orthopedic injuries.
$1.84m* Trucking accident with
traumatic brain injury
$1.8m* Motor vehicle accident
with traumatic brain injury
$1.5m* Car Accident +
Motor vehicle accident with lumbar spine surgery
$1.2m* Products
liability case
$1m* Trucking accident
$1m* Negligence case
$1m* back injury +
Injury case involving an aggravation of a pre-existing back condition
$950k* wrongful death +
Settlement of a wrongful death claim resulting from a trucking accident. Decedent, age 64, was single with no dependents.
$800k* Trucking accident
& wrongful death
$800k* Trucking accident
$700k* Trucking accident & wrongful death
(policy limit)
$600k* Trucking accident
$600k* Motor
vehicle accident
$520k* Dog owner
$475k* Motor
vehicle accident
$425K* Police chase
$400k* Motor vehicle accident & wrongful death
(policy limit)
$400k* police chase +
Settlement for a Political Subdivision Tort Claim against the City of Omaha resulting from a police chase. Client, age 55, suffered fractures to both lower legs.
$337k* Truck-auto
accident case
$300k* Car Accident +
Settlement for a motor vehicle accident case. Client required neck surgery.
$275k* dog bite +
Settlement for a dog (pit bull) bite to the face of a minor leaving permanent scarring.
$200k* Rural highway
auto accident case
$200k* motor
vehicle accident
Settlement for a soft-tissue neck injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Client had $47,000 in special damages and a permanency opinion from two medical doctors. Insurance company’s initial offer was $36,000.
$98k* motor
vehicle accident
Recovery on Underinsured Motorist claim after a jury trial in Omaha. Client, age 48, suffered from chronic soft-tissue neck pain following a motor vehicle accident. Before filing suit against her auto insurance company for Underinsured Motorist benefits, attorney settled client’s third-party liability claim for $100,000.