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The Importance of a Police Report After a Commercial Truck Collision

If you have suffered injuries in a commercial truck accident in Nebraska due to another party’s negligence, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure how to protect your rights. One of the most important steps to take in this situation is contacting the police so they can file a report. A police report is an official recording of the accident that contains details about who was involved and what happened. This document can help prove liability, preserve evidence, and streamline the claim process, making it a crucial piece of evidence. At Knowles Law Firm, we…

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Legal Protections for Children Injured on Playgrounds

Playgrounds should allow children to have fun and stay active, but accidents can happen when proper safety measures aren’t in place.  If your child has been injured on a playground, it’s essential to understand the legal protections available to hold responsible parties accountable. For example, if hazards were left in reach of kids, no adults were watching the children play, or equipment was in disrepair, you may have rights and protections you can utilize. Knowing your rights can help you seek justice and compensation for your child’s injuries, and an attorney from Knowles Law…

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Tell-Tale Signs of Drunk Driving

It is impossible to operate a motor vehicle with the required amount of care, prudence and attention while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Despite knowing the risks of drunk driving, thousands of drivers in Nebraska commit this dangerous crime each year. According to the Nebraska Department of Transportation, 1,534 alcohol-related accidents were reported in 2020 alone. Decrease your odds of getting into a drunk driving accident by learning the tell-tale signs of driver intoxication. Inability to Stay in One Lane When a driver is alcohol-impaired, their motor skills and coordination are affected….

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How to Seek Legal Recourse for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is an often silent threat, causing harm that can have devastating consequences for victims. If you have required medical attention due to carbon monoxide exposure, seeking legal recourse may help you recover damages for your injuries. Understanding your rights and how to hold responsible parties accountable is essential in these situations.  We encourage you to pursue justice and compensation after a carbon monoxide poisoning incident. An attorney from Knowles Law Firm can provide invaluable support to you during this difficult time, making it easier to focus on healing and recovery. We…

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Summer Camp Injuries: What Are Your Legal Options?

When you send your child to summer camp in Nebraska, you expect the staff to protect their safety, keep the grounds safe, and ensure that employees have the proper training. If a summer camp neglects these duties, you may receive a call that your child is injured and wonder what your legal options are. Fortunately, with the help of our experienced lawyers at Knowles Law Firm, you can file a claim, prove negligence, and better understand the value of your case to receive a fair settlement. With over 55 years of experience and multi-million…

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Can You Sue if Your Child Was Injured During a Field Trip?

Field trips can be a fun and educational opportunity for your children, but if the school bus gets involved in an accident, they are left unsupervised, or are exposed to dangerous conditions, they may suffer injuries. If your child is hurt on a field trip due to another party’s negligence, you have the right to file a claim and hold the at-fault party accountable. However, this process can be complex, so our seasoned lawyers at Knowles Law Firm are here to help. We handle every aspect of your claim with the utmost care and…

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8 Steps to Take After a Car Accident to Protect Your Rights

The aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, and the adrenaline and shock can make it challenging to know what to do to protect your rights. While it can be tempting to shrug off any discomfort you feel and move on, taking the following steps can help strengthen your insurance claim and increase your chance of securing a fair settlement: While trying to avoid car accidents is best, they can still happen no matter how carefully or safely you drive. Once you have left the scene, gotten the medical attention you need, and…

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Types of Car Accident Damages

Injuries from a car accident can take a physical, emotional, and financial toll on your life, but you should not have to pay for the damages another party caused. With the help of the experienced lawyers at Knowles Law Firm, you can better understand your claim’s value and how to prove your damages to insurance companies. A successful insurance claim or car accident lawsuit in Nebraska can provide you with the financial resources to pay for both past and future economic losses. It can give you the money your family needs to move forward…

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Understanding Comparative Negligence in Nebraska Personal Injury Cases

Most accidents are often more complicated than they seem. For example, road conditions, signage, and driver behavior play a role in a collision in car accidents. Therefore, in many personal injury cases, multiple parties share responsibility, even the injured victim. If this is the case for you, you may wonder if you can still receive compensation for your losses. With Nebraska’s modified comparative negligence system, you may still recover damages if you are under 50% at fault for the accident. At Knowles Law Firm, we understand the laws that may apply to your Nebraska…

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Do I Have to Get Medical Attention After a Car Accident?

Car accidents often happen quickly and you may get a rush of adrenaline afterward that delays any pain or injuries you have suffered. If you start to feel pain, whether the same day or in the days following the accident, you should seek immediate medical attention. Doing this helps identify any underlying issues, provides a comprehensive diagnosis, and creates a record of your injuries, which can be used to prove they exist and the treatment they require in your claim. Our experienced lawyers at Knowles Law Firm understand the lasting impact car accident injuries…

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