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Am I Required to Report a Dog Bite?

Dogs are beloved pets around the country, but they are also behind thousands of serious injuries and deaths every year. When a dog attacks, injuries can be catastrophic for the victim. Even a bite from a small dog can lead to pain, suffering, infection, medical bills, and permanent scars. Learn when to report a dog bite incident in Nebraska – as well as whether the law requires reporting – and your rights as a victim with help from an Omaha dog bite lawyer. Understanding Dog Bite Reporting Requirements Reporting a dog bite is a…

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What Are the Texting and Driving Laws in Nebraska?

Texting and driving is a major cause of injury and fatal car accidents in the U.S. It is a common source of driver distraction in Nebraska and around the country. In 2017, distracted drivers caused car accidents that took a total of 3,166 lives. The known risks of distracted driving, and especially texting and driving, has led many states to pass laws related to banning cellphone use behind the wheel. Nebraska is one of them. The Risks of Texting and Driving Texting and driving checks off all three forms of driver distraction: manual, visual and…

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My Child Was Injured at School…What Can I Do?

No parent should expect a child to go his or her entire childhood without a single injury. Parents should not, however, have to anticipate the risk of severe or life-threatening injuries – especially while at school. Sadly, not every school in Nebraska takes its responsibilities over student safety seriously. Negligence, carelessness and unsafe premises can cause serious student injuries. If your child suffered an injury at school, learn your rights as a parent. Your family may be eligible for a damage award if the school or a staff member should have prevented the accident….

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Alcohol Involved Fatalities in the U.S.

Our Omaha Car Accident Attorneys examined data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to find who was most at risk to be at fault, most at risk to be a victim, and the true cost for those involved from both perspectives. And even though you may be an adult or a college freshman who has heard it all before in high school health class, it’s important to always be aware of just how many drinks it takes for you to be over the limit. [wpdatachart id=1]  What Factors Influence Alcohol Related Fatalities?…

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