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What Is the Statute of Limitations On Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is a crime as well as a civil tort. Someone guilty of committing elder abuse could face both criminal and civil liability for the victim’s injuries and damages. As the injured senior citizen or a family member, you may have the right to bring a civil claim against a perpetrator for elder abuse in Nebraska. An Omaha elder abuse attorney can help you navigate key laws that may affect your claim, including the statute of limitations. What Is a Statute of Limitations? All criminal and civil actions in Nebraska have statutes of…

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If I Was Injured in the Middle of a City Street, Who Is Liable?

Your city has a legal responsibility for your safety. It must take reasonable steps to prevent common hazards and risks, including dangerous and defective roadways, sidewalks and intersections. If your city fails to fulfill these duties of care and you suffer an injury as a result, the city government may owe you financial compensation. A premises liability lawyer in Omaha can go over your rights as an injured victim after an accident on a city street. City Liability for Dangerous Premises in Omaha Cities, states and other municipalities share many of the same legal…

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I Hit a Parked Car… Now What?

Not all car accidents involve two moving vehicles. Many involve parked cars – often without the owner present. Hitting a parked car brings with it the same driver responsibilities as a moving car accident in Nebraska. The at-fault driver must stop at the scene, exchange information and file an insurance claim. Taking the right steps after hitting a parked car in Omaha can improve the insurance process. It can also help you avoid criminal charges for a hit-and-run. Pull Over State requirements in Nebraska make it mandatory to stop at the scene of any…

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What Are the Most Common Playground Injuries?

A playground should be a safe place for children. It should have safety-approved equipment, well-maintained grounds and adequate child supervision. A playground should not contain hazards or defects that pose undue risks to children. Although some playground injuries arise from typical child’s play, other child injuries result from property or equipment defects. Compensation may be available for some of the most common playground injuries depending on the cause of the accident. A playground injury lawyer in Omaha can help parents understand their rights after serious accidents. Broken Bones About 56% of playground injuries that…

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What Are the Most Common Causes of a Concussion?

A concussion is traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is a relatively common injury in the US and the most common type of brain injury. Concussion is the term physicians use to describe a mild traumatic brain injury, typically arising from a bump or blow to the skull. A concussion could also occur from violent movement or shaking that causes the brain to strike the inside of the skull. Despite being classified as a mild TBI, a concussion could have serious and long-lasting effects on a patient. Most concussions are preventable and arise from negligence-related…

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What Are the Psychological Effects of Being in a Car Accident?

The effects of a car accident extend beyond physical injuries. Many survivors experience lasting psychological trauma, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These emotional struggles can disrupt daily life, making it difficult to work, drive, or even engage in social activities. The severity of psychological effects often depends on factors like the crash’s intensity, pre-existing mental health conditions, and the level of support received after the accident. Understanding these impacts and seeking proper care can be crucial for recovery, both emotionally and legally. If you need help during your personal injury claim,…

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Are Pressure Ulcers a Sign of Elder Abuse?

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. They often develop on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips, and tailbone. Pressure ulcers are a significant concern in nursing homes, as they can be indicative of poor care and neglect. In severe cases, they may even be a sign of abuse and neglect, necessitating immediate reporting to local authorities to protect vulnerable elderly individuals. If you notice pressure ulcers or sores on an elder…

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What Are the Types of Spinal Injuries?

Spinal cord injuries are relatively uncommon. The incidence rate of spine injuries per year in the US is about 54 cases per 1 million people, according to the 2019 Spinal Cord Injury Data Sheet from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCSC). This equates to around 17,730 new cases each year. There are up to 363,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in the US, however. The most common causes of spine injuries are car accidents, slip and falls, acts of violence, and sport injuries. Every spine injury is unique, and all spinal…

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Is it Legal to Lane Split on a Motorcycle in Nebraska?

Lane splitting refers to riding between two lanes of same-direction traffic on a motorcycle, rather than keeping only in one lane. Motorcyclists may try to lane split to pass slower-moving vehicles in heavy traffic. Lane splitting is an illegal traffic maneuver for motorcyclists in every state except California and Utah. It is not legal to lane split on a motorcycle in Nebraska. Doing so could mean a traffic infraction and fines, as well as civil liability if the motorcyclist causes a motorcycle accident. Lane-splitting is explicitly prohibited by Nebraska traffic laws. While there is…

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What Is Subrogation?

After suffering an injury in any type of accident and pursuing an insurance claim, you might hear the term subrogation from your provider. It is a relatively simple process, but it can be confusing for you as an insurance policyholder or claimant. It will mean your insurance company has stepped in to take your place during a claim. Subrogation will not happen in every personal injury case. It is your insurance company’s legal right, however, and may apply to your case depending on the circumstances. If you want to learn more about the legal…

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