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Should I Hire an Accident Reconstructionist?

If there’s a dispute over fault in an accident, proving what really happened can be challenging. Accident reconstructionists use science and technology to analyze evidence, recreate crash scenes, and provide objective findings. Their work can be crucial in personal injury cases, especially when multiple vehicles are involved or eyewitness accounts conflict.  Understanding when hiring an accident reconstructionist is beneficial can help you strengthen your claim and pursue the compensation you deserve. If you need assistance with your claim, including deciding whether you should work with a reconstructor or not, we encourage you to reach…

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Can I Sue the Manufacturer If Their Defective Product Caused My Accident?

Product liability claims are legal actions taken against manufacturers, distributors, or retailers of products that cause harm to consumers when the harm is caused by a defective product. These claims are essential for holding companies accountable and ensuring that products in the market are safe for regular use. Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in helping victims seek compensation and justice for injuries caused by these defective items. Defective products can cause serious injuries, leaving victims with medical expenses, lost income, and long-term suffering. When manufacturers, distributors, or retailers fail to ensure product…

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Can Social Media Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Social media is a daily part of life, but during a personal injury claim, it can also become a liability. Insurance companies and defense attorneys monitor social media accounts for anything that could discredit your claim, including posts, comments, and photos. Even private messages or deleted content could be accessed and used against you. Taking a break from social media is often the safest way to protect your case. Knowing how social media can impact a personal injury claim may help you avoid costly mistakes. With over 55 years of experience handling personal injury…

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Can a Passenger Be Charged for Distracted Driving?

The moment you step into a car as a passenger, you trust the driver to get you to your destination safely. You assume they will focus on the road, obey traffic laws, and react to potential dangers. But what happens when the distraction isn’t coming from a cell phone or the radio—but from inside the car? Imagine a passenger grabbing the wheel, yelling for the driver’s attention, or insisting they look at a text message. In an instant, that distraction could cause a devastating crash. While most distracted driving cases place blame on the…

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Who Is Liable If I Was Bitten By a Stray Dog?

It can be important to seek financial recovery for a dog bite injury in Omaha, Nebraska. Recovering financial compensation could enable you and your family to pay for outstanding medical bills, repair damaged property and move forward. Holding someone accountable could also bring justice and peace of mind. If the dog that attacked you was a stray with no known owner, it could be more difficult to obtain compensation. What Are Nebraska’s Dog Bite Laws? In a typical dog bite case, in which the victim knows the identity of the owner, the owner will…

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What Are Long-Term Injuries From a Slip and Fall Accident?

Many people assume slip and falls are minor accidents that can cause a few bumps and bruises, but fall injuries can be much more severe. Many people assume slip and falls are minor accidents that can cause a few bumps and bruises, at most. Victims of serious falls, however, can attest to the potentially catastrophic nature of these accidents. A slip and fall accident that injures a senior citizen, or one that involves dangerous circumstances such as a long drop, can cause many long-term injuries. Hip Fractures and Related Complications Falls are a common…

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5 Signs of a Negligent Landlord

As a tenant in a rented home or apartment in Nebraska, your landlord owes you specific duties of care according to state and federal laws. It is against the law for a landlord to fall short of these duties. If a landlord negligently causes or contributes to an injury that occurs where you live, you may have the right to bring a claim against him or her for damages. Work with a Omaha landlord negligence lawyer in Omaha for assistance with your personal injury lawsuit. We at Knowles Law Firm look forward to hearing…

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What Should I Do If I Was Injured While Out of State?

Accidents do not only happen in your own state or hometown. They can also happen while you are traveling or on vacation. If you get an injury while out of state, the process for filing a claim and obtaining compensation for your medical bills and property damages may look different than if the accident had happened where you live. Learn your rights and find out when it may be in your best interest to hire an attorney for an out-of-state accident. Which State Has Jurisdiction? The first thing to know about an injury that…

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What Is Pro Se Litigation?

As the injured victim (plaintiff) in a personal injury lawsuit in Nebraska, you need to know several important laws and legal terms. Having at least a basic grasp of Nebraska’s personal injury terms could help you protect your rights. Choosing pro se litigation, for example, could be a costly mistake for you as a plaintiff or the right choice, depending on the circumstances. Explore the pros and cons of pro se litigation with help from an Omaha personal injury lawyer before making your decision. Definition of Pro Se Litigation Pro se litigation is the…

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What are Nebraska’s Fireworks Laws?

With Independence Day around the corner, it is important to review the fireworks laws, rules, and statutes in your city and state. Every year, broken firework statutes and the reckless use of fireworks lead to thousands of preventable fires, destroyed properties, and personal injuries. Some common serious injuries include third-degree burns and traumatic amputations. Obeying Nebraska’s fireworks laws this Fourth of July could keep you and your family free from personal injuries. It could also help you avoid legal trouble for violating Nebraska’s fireworks laws. Limits on Sale Dates In Nebraska, the State Fire…

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